Press Review

6 Mar 2009

Press Review

Azarias Ruberwa's visit to Kigali after Bukavu, the reunification of the army in the latter town and the examination of the draft bill on the national defence force by the Parliament's Lower House are the major issues commented by today's local press. Some papers go back over the draft bill on the amnesty that puts the Head of State in an awkward position and the secrets clauses on the selling off of the Inga dams 1 and 2.
Azarias Ruberwa's difficult mission to Kigali, here is what pits Kagame against Ruberwa in Kigali, titles LE PALMARES. « Kagame finds it difficult to drop Nkunda whom he would like to use as a key pawn to help him justify the presence of his troops in DRC. Ruberwa is fully aware of Nkunda's fate if he should decide to stay in the country: the prison. Azarias is therefore under obligation to secure his departure from the country in order to spare him the worst, which Kagame fails to understand' ». The paper also says that disciplinary measures have been taken against Bizima and his gang as well as 84 MPs who will no longer receive any salary.

L'OBSERVATEUR echoes the Vice-President for Defence and Security matters' speech made before the Bukavu-based religious communities and the Congolese Business Federation (FEC). Addressing the religious communities Azarias Ruberwa declared that there would not be any third war in Eastern DRC. The FEC representative, in turn, called on the Vice-President to put more pressure on General Nkunda.

LA REFERENCE PLUS, as far as it is concerned, comments on Government delegation's visit to Bukavu and titles Ingele Ifoto, Azarias Ruberwa, General Kisempia, and Emile Ngoy' a flurry of activities in Bukavu. « In Kigali since yesterday, A. Ruberwa is due to visit today Cyangungu camp which is home to 3,000 Banyamulenge refugees. The US$700,000 donated by the Government is not enough to ease the pain of the 25,000 people left destitute. Mrs Nzuzi wa Mbombo's management of the fund has been sharply criticised. The refugees voiced their hope to return home before school reopens, the rainy season starts and above all, before Rwandan officials decide to relocate them to other remote sites in a month.».

LE POTENTIEL reports on the army reunification that started in Bukavu. « All FARDC high-ranking officers meeting in the main town of South Kivu, launched the merging of the different military forces. This would be a good opportunity for an effective start of the army reunification process, in the framework of the army integration and reunification».

Examination of the draft bill on national defence by the Parliament's Lower House: The Rejection of ex-Faz and Katangese ex-gendarmes is making waves, L'AVENIR writes. «The Defence Minister, Jean Pierre Ondekane, is therefore expected to clarify the situation with the Parliament today. Senators have accused ex-belligerents of being overambitious. Most of them are demanding equal representation».

FORUM DES AS focuses on the draft bill regarding the amnesty and titles J. Kabila in an awkward position. « After the law on nationality, the bill on amnesty which is to be discussed by the National Assembly this Wednesday divides Government officials. Indeed, PPRD members and their allies are using the article 2 of the bill to oppose the argument stating that the Late President Laurent Désiré Kabila's assassination is a non-political crime, and therefore its masterminds must be granted amnesty».

LE PHARE discloses how the consortium in charge of the rehabilitation of the Inga dam is planning to take over our dams, the Inga 1 and 2 and reveals the secret clauses of a selling off!, recalling its last Thursday article, which mentioned 150 million dollars offer from a consortium for the privatisation.