Press Review of 6 March 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 6 March 2006

This Monday 06 March 2006, the local press in Kinshasa mainly focus on the news conference held by Catholic Bishop Monsengwo, the head of the "Conférence épiscopale nationale du Congo"/DRC National Bishop's Conference. The Press also announces Jean Marie Guéhenno, the United Nations Under-Secretary General for Peacekeeping operations' visit to DRC.
Last Saturday, DRC Bishops' conference recalled that "Political leaders, the civil society and religious leaders are not allowed to make mistakes because the stakes are so high," reports Le Palmarès. "Any intentional move or initiative to undermine the political transition will be seen as treason against the nation," reports L'Observateur, echoing Bishop Monsengwo. The declaration obviously conveys Bishops' approach of "the squabble between Jean Pierre Bemba (MLC leader) and Olivier Kamitatu (Parliament Speaker and former member of MLC)," says Le Palmarès, explaining, "National Assembly's regulations have force of law once approved by the Supreme Court of Justice," explains L'Observateur.

Despite the Court's view, "suspense keeps going on at Palais du Peuple where a plenary is scheduled for today Monday 06 March 2006," notes La Tempête des Tropiques. "Olivier Kamitatu, who can no longer represent MLC in the Lower House of the Parliament, will confront Thomas Luhaka, recently appointed by Jean Pierre Bemba to take back the seat of the Speaker of Parliament," explains Forum des As. "Who is then going to preside over today's plenary; Is it Thomas Luhaka or Olivier Kamitatu?" wonders La Tempête des Tropiques.

Another concern, "the organisation of the elections within the prescribed time," says Le Phare. The International Committee to Follow up the DRC Transition (CIAT) must "take an active part in the settlement of this issue that looks more political than legal, and which may impact negatively on the organization of the elections," indicates La Tempête des Tropiques.

Jean Marie Guéhenno, UN Under-Secretary General for Peacekeeping operations is due to start a working visit to DRC this evening. "Through this visit, Mr. Guehenno means to reiterate UN firm commitment to DRC," reports La Référence Plus. During his visit, the UN Under-Secretary General will "confer with the key players to the DRC Political Transition, notably the Head of State, the Head of the Independent Electoral Commission, UN agencies and CIAT," further says La Tempête des Tropiques.

In other news, "in Ituri, about fifty FARDC integrated troops reportedly mutinied to protest against embezzlement of their wages...The mutineers allegedly pointed an accusing finger at General Bob Ngoy Kiloubi, commander of the operations," reports Forum des As. As a result, "the situation got tense in the locality of Aveba," reports L'Avenir. Due to such a "filthy environment; disillusioned, MONUC has decided to discontinue collaboration with FARDC in regard of the disarmament of militias in Ituri," says L'Avenir.