Press Review of 8 March 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 8 March 2006

Yesterday's meeting between President Joseph Kabila and Jean Marie Guéhenno, the UN Under-Secretary General for peacekeeping operations is the major issue in today's local press.
The UN Chief of Peacekeeping operations was received by President Joseph Kabila yesterday. Both personalities discussed "how to step up security in Eastern DRC in anticipation of the elections," reports Le Potentiel, echoing Jean Marie Guéhenno. During the meeting, Joseph Kabila "reiterated his commitment to lead the Congolese people to elections," says L'Observateur. The UN Under-Secretary General, for his part, "warned against attempts to stir up trouble and to contest the results of the vote in the event some major political parties would not participate in the elections," says Le Phare. It would therefore be important to "have an all-inclusive process that should be opened to all the Congolese," says Le Potentiel, echoing Jean Marie Guéhenno. In other words, "the International Community is for an inclusive electoral process," concludes L'Observateur.

Jean Marie Guéhenno's message may not "be heeded regards of the political disputes threatening DRC electoral process," fears La Tempête des Tropiques. Be that as it may, "the electoral process must be carried through in accordance with the electoral chronogram," highlights Le Potentiel. "Solutions to minor problems must be sought through dialogue...," urges Le Potentiel.

To secure DRC elections, "European Union is seeking a consensus around the mode of its military contingent requested by MONUC," reports Le Phare. However, Defence Ministers of the European Union have agreed on "the formation of a small contingent to be based in Kinshasa and a Reserve Force ready to intervene when crisis break out," says Le Potentiel. On the other hand, Javier Solana is coming to Kinshasa to "finalise some details about the force," says La Tempête des Tropiques.

In other news, UDPS members demonstrated in Kananga province, demanding "the reopening of registration centers to enable the population of Kasaï occidental to get registered for the elections scheduled for 30 June 2006," reports Le Phare.